World Cerebral Palsy Day
Posted: 01st Oct 2019
Categories: Woodfields Private Day Nursery
Celebrating World Cerebral Palsy Day
Sunday 6th October is World Cerebral Palsy Day so we will be fundraising and celebrating during next week to show support for our friend at nursery who has the condition.

During the week we will be taking part in lots of ‘GREEN’ activities and we will have collection buckets for you to make any donations.
Then on Friday 4th October we are inviting you to join us in wearing ‘GREEN’ and all we ask is for a £1 donation each. We will also be having a ‘GREEN’ bake sale on the day to raise some more money.

Harry is currently being referred for SDR surgery so we have decided that all of our upcoming fundraising will be going towards helping him achieve this. We will have more information soon but we wanted to kickstart our fundraising with World Cerebral Palsy Day.
For further information Harry’s family have set up a just giving page as well as an Instagram blog.
Harry’s just giving page is . . .